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zona protegido

English translation of zona protegido

protected area

The Spanish term 'zona protegida' translates to 'protected area' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of environmental conservation to denote regions of land or water specifically dedicated to the protection of biodiversity, natural, cultural or historical resources. These areas may be established by national governments or international treaties and can include wildlife reserves, national parks, and marine protected areas. The exact laws and rules governing these areas can vary widely from case to case.

Example sentences using: zona protegido

El gobierno ha declarado esta área como una zona protegida.

English translation of El gobierno ha declarado esta área como una zona protegida.

The government has declared this area a protected zone.

This sentence refers to the action of the government to officially designate an area as 'protected', meaning special rules apply there to preserve its natural or cultural values.

Estamos en una zona protegida, por lo que no está permitida la caza.

English translation of Estamos en una zona protegida, por lo que no está permitida la caza.

We are in a protected zone, so hunting is not allowed.

This sentence is used when informing someone that certain activities, like hunting, are not permitted in a location because it has been named a 'protected zone'.

La creación de una zona protegida alrededor de la selva tropical es necesaria para preservar la vida silvestre.

English translation of La creación de una zona protegida alrededor de la selva tropical es necesaria para preservar la vida silvestre.

The creation of a protected zone around the rainforest is necessary to preserve wildlife.

This sentence is suggesting that a protected zone should be established in a certain area, the rainforest in this case, with the aim to safeguard the flora and fauna inhabiting it.

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