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zona despoblada

English translation of zona despoblada

populated area

The Spanish term 'zona despoblada' is not correctly translated as 'populated area' in English. In fact, it signifies the opposite, translating to 'unpopulated area' or 'deserted area' in English. This term is generally used to define an area or zone with few to no inhabitants or structures. It's often utilized in geographical and demographical contexts.

Example sentences using: zona despoblada

La zona despoblada nos proporciona mucha tranquilidad.

English translation of La zona despoblada nos proporciona mucha tranquilidad.

The uninhabited area gives us a lot of peace.

This sentence is saying that an uninhabited or desolate area provides a lot of peace, often because of the quiet and isolation.

Es peligroso viajar por la zona despoblada en la noche.

English translation of Es peligroso viajar por la zona despoblada en la noche.

It's dangerous to travel through the uninhabited area at night.

This sentence is warning that it can be risky to travel through an uninhabited or desolate area during the nighttime, possibly due to lack of roadside assistance or increased wildlife activity.

Excavo artefactos antiguos en la zona despoblada.

English translation of Excavo artefactos antiguos en la zona despoblada.

I dig up ancient artifacts in the uninhabited area.

This sentence is telling us that someone is unearthing or digging up ancient relics in a desolate or uninhabited area, which could be a former site of an old civilization.

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