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yo mismo

English translation of yo mismo


The Spanish equivalent for 'myself' is 'yo mismo'. It is commonly used in written and spoken Spanish to express actions that an individual does to or for themselves. Just like its English counterpart, 'yo mismo' is used for emphasis or to express that the subject is conducting the action on themselves or alone.

Example sentences using: yo mismo

Yo mismo pinté la casa.

English translation of Yo mismo pinté la casa.

I painted the house myself.

This phrase emphasizes the speaker's solitary effort in painting the house.

Yo mismo hice mis deberes.

English translation of Yo mismo hice mis deberes.

I did my homework myself.

This construction emphasizes the individual effort of the speaker in completing their homework without help.

Yo mismo compré los regalos.

English translation of Yo mismo compré los regalos.

I bought the gifts myself.

The use of 'yo mismo' signifies the speaker's personal involvement in the action of buying the gifts.

Arreglé el automóvil yo mismo.

English translation of Arreglé el automóvil yo mismo.

I fixed the car myself.

In this sentence, 'yo mismo' emphasizes that the speaker alone is responsible for fixing the car.

Yo mismo lo hice.

English translation of Yo mismo lo hice.

I did it myself.

This sentence emphasizes that the speaker themselves performed the action, without assistance from others.

Hice todo el trabajo yo mismo.

English translation of Hice todo el trabajo yo mismo.

I did all the work myself.

The inclusion of 'yo mismo' highlights the speaker's solitary effort in doing the entire task without help.

Yo mismo preparé la comida.

English translation of Yo mismo preparé la comida.

I prepared the food myself.

This phrase is used to denote the personal effort of the speaker in preparing the meal.

Yo mismo limpié la habitación.

English translation of Yo mismo limpié la habitación.

I cleaned the room myself.

This phrase asserts that the speaker was solely responsible for cleaning the room.

Yo mismo planté las flores.

English translation of Yo mismo planté las flores.

I planted the flowers myself.

The speaker uses this phrase to express that they were the only one involved in planting the flowers.

Yo mismo lavé la ropa.

English translation of Yo mismo lavé la ropa.

I washed the clothes myself.

In this sentence, 'yo mismo' is used to denote that the speaker performed the task alone, specifically washing clothes.

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