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English translation of votante


The Spanish word 'votante' translates to 'voter' in English. In the context of political elections or democratic processes, a voter (votante) is an individual who has the right to vote, either in local or national decisions. The word 'votante' reflects the active role citizens play in political choices in a democratic society.

Example sentences using: votante

Cada votante debe considerar cuidadosamente su elección.

English translation of Cada votante debe considerar cuidadosamente su elección.

Every voter must carefully consider their choice.

This sentence suggests that the action of voting should not be taken lightly and that every voter, indicated by 'votante', should think carefully about their decision. It promotes the idea of responsible voting.

El votante tiene el derecho de elegir a sus líderes.

English translation of El votante tiene el derecho de elegir a sus líderes.

The voter has the right to choose their leaders.

This sentence illustrates that voting is considered a right in democratic societies, and that the voter has the power to elect their leaders. In this context, 'votante' refers to an individual who has the right to vote in elections.

Es importante educar al votante sobre los candidatos.

English translation of Es importante educar al votante sobre los candidatos.

It is important to educate the voter about the candidates.

This sentence emphasizes the importance of voter education in a democratic setup. It suggests that voters should be well-informed about the candidates they will be choosing from. Here, 'votante' refers to the individual who should be educated about the candidates.

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