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English translation of vicepresidente


The word 'vicepresidente' is a noun in the Spanish language. It translates to 'vice-president' in English. The vice-president is often the second in command and is usually prepared to assume the responsibilities of a president if required. Its use is widespread in various contexts, including politics and business. 'Vicepresidente', like 'presidente', can be used to refer to both men and women.

Example sentences using: vicepresidente

El vicepresidente ha propuesto una nueva política.

English translation of El vicepresidente ha propuesto una nueva política.

The vice president has proposed a new policy.

The first example presents a formal context where the vice president presents a new proposal or plan, utilizing the typical political vocabulary.

Soy el vicepresidente de la empresa.

English translation of Soy el vicepresidente de la empresa.

I am the vice president of the company.

This example shows a common way to indicate personal positions within a company or organization, and could be used in a business or informal scenario.

El vicepresidente y yo somos buenos amigos.

English translation of El vicepresidente y yo somos buenos amigos.

The vice president and I are good friends.

In this context, the vice president is not only an official title, but also related to a personal relationship. It shows that Spanish sentences can have both formal and informal context based on the sentence structure or the keywords.

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