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English translation of viaje


The word 'viaje' means 'travel'. It is widely used in Spanish to mention a trip or a journey to diverse locations.

Example sentences using: viaje

Estoy planeando un viaje a España.

English translation of Estoy planeando un viaje a España.

I am planning a trip to Spain.

This sentence is quite useful for beginners who want to express future plans about traveling. Estoy is a conjugation of the Spanish verb estar, which means 'am,' 'planeando' translates to 'planning,' and 'a' is a preposition used before the location, which in this case is España, meaning Spain.

Mi viaje fue increíble.

English translation of Mi viaje fue increíble.

My trip was amazing.

This phrase is used to express past experiences. Mi translates to 'my,' fue is the past tense of the verb ser, meaning 'was,' and increíble translates to 'amazing.' This sentence pattern can be used to talk about past events.

Su viaje dura tres días.

English translation of Su viaje dura tres días.

Their trip lasts three days.

This sentence is used to indicate the duration of an event. Su translates to 'their,' dura translates to 'lasts,' and tres días means 'three days.' This is a common format for discussing the duration of events.

El viaje en tren es agradable.

English translation of El viaje en tren es agradable.

The train ride is enjoyable.

In this sentence, El viaje en tren means 'The train trip,' while es agradable means 'is enjoyable.' This is a useful phrase for talking about your impressions of various forms of travel.

Regresamos de nuestro viaje.

English translation of Regresamos de nuestro viaje.

We're back from our trip.

This phrase is a simple statement about return from a trip. Regresamos translates to 'we're back,' de nuestro translates to 'from our,' and viaje means 'trip.'

Este viaje es una aventura.

English translation of Este viaje es una aventura.

This trip is an adventure.

This sentence is handy for describing the nature of a trip. Este means 'this,' es means 'is,' and una aventura translates to 'an adventure.'

Necesito un billete para mi viaje.

English translation of Necesito un billete para mi viaje.

I need a ticket for my trip.

This sentence expresses a requirement. Necesito is 'I need,' un billete para means 'a ticket for,' and mi viaje is 'my trip.' This phrase can be used when preparing for a journey.

Nos vemos después del viaje.

English translation of Nos vemos después del viaje.

See you after the trip.

This phrase is commonly used to say goodbye to someone. Nos vemos means 'see you,' después del means 'after the,' and viaje means 'trip.'

Quiero hacer un viaje a la playa.

English translation of Quiero hacer un viaje a la playa.

I want to take a trip to the beach.

This sentence indicates the desire to do something in the future. Quiero translates to 'I want,' hacer to 'to take,' and a la playa translates to 'to the beach.' This construct is useful for expressing desires or intentions.

Viaje seguro y disfrute de sus vacaciones.

English translation of Viaje seguro y disfrute de sus vacaciones.

Travel safely and enjoy your vacation.

This phrase can be used as a farewell phrase. Viaje seguro means 'travel safely' and disfrute de sus vacaciones translates to 'enjoy your holiday.' This is a nice example of an expression in Spanish that combines both a wish and an instruction.

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