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viajar en coche

English translation of viajar en coche

travel by car

The Spanish phrase 'viajar en coche' translates to 'travel by car' in English. It is often used to refer to road trips or any journey taken in a car. In a sentence context, it would look something like this 'Vamos a viajar en coche a la playa', which means 'We are going to travel by car to the beach' in English.

Example sentences using: viajar en coche

Nosotros vamos a viajar en coche a Madrid este verano.

English translation of Nosotros vamos a viajar en coche a Madrid este verano.

We are going to travel by car to Madrid this summer.

This sentence used present progressive tense to talk about a future event of traveling by car. The verb 'viajar' (to travel), along with the phrase 'en coche' (by car), is used here to say traveling by car to a place, in this case, Madrid.

Prefiero viajar en coche en lugar de tomar un avión.

English translation of Prefiero viajar en coche en lugar de tomar un avión.

I prefer to travel by car instead of taking a plane.

This sentence gives an opinion statement, showing the speaker's preference on modes of travel. 'Viajar en coche' is contrasted with 'tomar un avión', expressing the speaker's preference of traveling by car over taking a plane.

Cuando era niño, solía viajar en coche con mis padres a la playa.

English translation of Cuando era niño, solía viajar en coche con mis padres a la playa.

When I was a child, I used to travel by car with my parents to the beach.

This sentence uses past tense 'viajar en coche', indicating that the action of traveling by car used to happen in the past. The use of 'solía' implies that it was a habitual activity in the past, and 'viajar en coche' is the main action being described.

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