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English translation of veraneo


The Spanish word 'veraneo' is typically used to refer to the period of time individuals spend on vacation during the summer, much like the English term 'summer holiday'. It is a noun that originates from the verb 'veranear' which means 'to spend the summer'. It is worth noting that while 'veraneo' is related to 'summer', the direct translation of 'summer' in Spanish is actually 'verano'.

Similar words:

Example sentences using: veraneo

Durante el veraneo, me gusta visitar la playa.

English translation of Durante el veraneo, me gusta visitar la playa.

During the summer vacation, I like to visit the beach.

This sentence implies that the person enjoys going to the beach while they are on their summer vacation, 'veraneo' in this case is referring to the period of summer vacation.

Este año, mi veraneo será en las montañas.

English translation of Este año, mi veraneo será en las montañas.

This year, my summer vacation will be in the mountains.

This phrase indicates that the person is planning to spend their summer vacation, 'veraneo', in the mountains this current year.

Recuerdo nuestro primer veraneo juntos.

English translation of Recuerdo nuestro primer veraneo juntos.

I remember our first summer vacation together.

The sentence refers to remembering the first summer vacation, 'veraneo', spent together with someone, indicating it is a cherished memory.

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