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ver una exposición

English translation of ver una exposición

see an exhibition

The Spanish phrase 'ver una exposición' translates to 'see an exhibition' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of visiting museums, art galleries, or any public displays of art, science, or history. It implies actively observing and engaging with the presented works or items. In a sentence, you could use it as 'Vamos a ver una exposición este fin de semana', which means 'We are going to see an exhibition this weekend' in English.

Example sentences using: ver una exposición

Mañana voy a ver una exposición de arte contemporáneo.

English translation of Mañana voy a ver una exposición de arte contemporáneo.

Tomorrow I am going to see a contemporary art exhibition.

This sentence is used to express future plans using the phrase 'ver una exposición'. It also specifies the type of exhibition being visited, in this case, a contemporary art exhibition.

Quiero invitar a María a ver una exposición.

English translation of Quiero invitar a María a ver una exposición.

I want to invite Mary to see an exhibition.

This sentence shows how 'ver una exposición' can be used in the context of extending an invitation to someone. It's a common way to invite someone for an event.

Después del trabajo, podríamos ver una exposición.

English translation of Después del trabajo, podríamos ver una exposición.

After work, we could see an exhibition.

This sentence discusses a possibility by using the phrase 'ver una exposición'. It places the act of seeing the exhibition in the context of a potential activity to do after work.

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