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vegetación tupida

English translation of vegetación tupida

dense vegetation

The Spanish term 'vegetación tupida' translates to 'dense vegetation' in English. It is often used to refer to areas where plant life is so thick and closely packed, it is difficult to move through. This term can be used in various contexts such as environmental, geographical descriptions, science field studies, and travel experiences. It is a commonly used term to describe forests, jungle landscapes, or any place where plants grow abundantly and densely.

Example sentences using: vegetación tupida

En nuestra caminata, atravesamos una vegetación tupida.

English translation of En nuestra caminata, atravesamos una vegetación tupida.

On our walk, we went through dense vegetation.

This sentence describes a hiking or walking situation where the speaker and others have traversed through an area densely populated with plants.

La vegetación tupida de la selva era casi impenetrable.

English translation of La vegetación tupida de la selva era casi impenetrable.

The dense vegetation of the jungle was almost impenetrable.

The speaker is describing the density of the jungle, indicating that it was very hard, almost impossible, to pass through due to the multitude of plants.

La vegetación tupida ocultaba la entrada a la cueva.

English translation of La vegetación tupida ocultaba la entrada a la cueva.

The dense vegetation hid the entrance to the cave.

This sentence is describing a situation where the entrance of a cave is being concealed by an abundance of plants.

La vegetación tupida puede ser un gran reto para los exploradores.

English translation of La vegetación tupida puede ser un gran reto para los exploradores.

Dense vegetation can be a great challenge for explorers.

The speaker is emphasizing the difficulties brought on by dense vegetation for individuals exploring a location.

Muchas especies de animales se esconden en la vegetación tupida.

English translation of Muchas especies de animales se esconden en la vegetación tupida.

Many species of animals hide in the dense vegetation.

The sentence states that many kinds of animals use dense vegetation as a place to conceal themselves.

La vegetación tupida crecía alrededor del lago.

English translation of La vegetación tupida crecía alrededor del lago.

The dense vegetation grew around the lake.

This sentence is describing a scenery where a large number of plants grows surrounding a lake.

La vegetación tupida proporciona un hogar a muchas especies de insectos.

English translation of La vegetación tupida proporciona un hogar a muchas especies de insectos.

The dense vegetation provides a home for many species of insects.

The speaker is indicating that numerous insect species inhabit dense plant population.

Es difícil avanzar cuando hay vegetación tupida.

English translation of Es difícil avanzar cuando hay vegetación tupida.

It's difficult to make progress when there is dense vegetation.

This sentence talks about the challenge of moving forward in an area where vegetation is dense.

La vegetación tupida a menudo impide la vista del paisaje.

English translation of La vegetación tupida a menudo impide la vista del paisaje.

The dense vegetation often obstructs the view of the scenery.

This is a description of a situation where the scenic view is obstructed due to the dense vegetation.

Los botánicos estudian la variedad de plantas en la vegetación tupida.

English translation of Los botánicos estudian la variedad de plantas en la vegetación tupida.

Botanists study the variety of plants in the dense vegetation.

The speaker is stating that botanists, scientists who study plants, look into the variety of flora within dense vegetation.

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