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valorar una obra de arte

English translation of valorar una obra de arte

value a work of art

The Spanish phrase 'valorar una obra de art' translates to 'value a work of art' in English. This can mean assessing the worth of an artwork based on its visual, historical, or cultural significance. It might also involve appreciating the craftsmanship and creative effort that went into producing the artwork.

Example sentences using: valorar una obra de arte

Es importante valorar una obra de arte por su calidad y su belleza.

English translation of Es importante valorar una obra de arte por su calidad y su belleza.

It is important to value a work of art for its quality and beauty.

This sentence explains the importance of appreciating an artwork based on its quality and beauty. It communicates the idea that art should not just be valued for its price tag, but for its artistic merit and aesthetic appeal.

Podemos aprender mucho si sabemos cómo valorar una obra de arte.

English translation of Podemos aprender mucho si sabemos cómo valorar una obra de arte.

We can learn a lot if we know how to value a work of art.

This sentence suggests that understanding and appreciating art can enhance learning. It implies that the active exploration of the aesthetic, technical, conceptual and historical aspects of an artistic work can lead to enriched knowledge and insight.

Antes de comprar, es necesario valorar una obra de arte.

English translation of Antes de comprar, es necesario valorar una obra de arte.

Before buying, it is necessary to value a work of art.

In this sentence, the need to evaluate an artwork before purchasing it is emphasized. This could refer to determining its monetary value, assessing its aesthetic appeal, considering its potential as an investment, or examining whether it aligns with personal taste.

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