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English translation of valle


The Spanish word 'valle' translates to 'valley' in English. It is a geographical term used to refer to a depression or hollow between hills or mountains. It typically has a river flowing through it or at least some form of water body. Valleys are notable for their fertile soil and are often the site of agricultural activities. They also cater to habitats for various types of flora and fauna.

Example sentences using: valle

El valle está lleno de flores en primavera.

English translation of El valle está lleno de flores en primavera.

The valley is full of flowers in spring.

This sentence is describing a situation where a valley is filled with flowers during the spring season. 'Está lleno de' in Spanish translates to 'is full of' in English, often used to express abundance.

La casa está en el valle entre las montañas.

English translation of La casa está en el valle entre las montañas.

The house is in the valley between the mountains.

This sentence talks about a specific location of a house, which is situated in the valley between the mountains. In Spanish, 'está en el' refers to the location of something, in this case, a house.

El río corre a través del valle.

English translation of El río corre a través del valle.

The river runs through the valley.

In this sentence, we use the phrase 'corre a través del' meaning 'runs through the' to express the movement of the river through the valley. It is a common phrase used to describe geographic or spatial concepts in Spanish.

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