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English translation of uva


A grape is a fruit, botanically a berry, of the deciduous woody vines of the flowering plant genus Vitis. They can be eaten fresh or they can be used for making wine, jam, juice, jelly, grape seed extract, raisins, vinegar, and grape seed oil.

Example sentences using: uva

Quiero comer una uva.

English translation of Quiero comer una uva.

I want to eat a grape.

This phrase is an example of expressing a desire or intention in Spanish. 'Yo quiero' translates to 'I want', and 'comer' to 'eat'. The use of 'una uva' showcases how to use singular form of a noun, which translates to 'a grape'.

La uva está madura.

English translation of La uva está madura.

The grape is ripe.

This phrase uses the feminine form of the adjective (madura), which matches the gender of the noun it modifies (uva). The sentence structure is subject (La uva) + verb (está) + adjective (madura).

Voy a comprar uvas en el mercado.

English translation of Voy a comprar uvas en el mercado.

I am going to buy grapes at the market.

This phrase exemplifies the near future tense expressed by 'voy a' followed by an infinitive verb (comprar). 'Uvas' is the plural form of 'uva' which translates to 'grapes'.

La torta tiene uvas.

English translation of La torta tiene uvas.

The cake has grapes.

This sentence demonstrates the use of the verb 'tiene', which means 'has'. The overall structure is subject (La torta) + verb (tiene) + object (uvas).

La uva es morada.

English translation of La uva es morada.

The grape is purple.

This phrase shows a standard way to describe color in Spanish. The adjective (morada) literally refers to the color purple, and it matches the feminine noun it describes (uva).

Suelo comer uvas en la mañana.

English translation of Suelo comer uvas en la mañana.

I usually eat grapes in the morning.

Here, the verb 'suelo' represents a common way to express habituality in Spanish, meaning 'I usually'. Following it is the infinite verb form 'comer' meaning 'to eat'.

La uva es buena para la salud.

English translation of La uva es buena para la salud.

The grape is good for health.

This sentence introduces the use of 'para' which can mean 'for'. The phrase structure here is noun (La uva) + verb (es) + adjective (buena) + preposition (para) + noun (la salud).

Tomé jugo de uva en el desayuno.

English translation of Tomé jugo de uva en el desayuno.

I drank grape juice in the breakfast.

This phrase presents the past tense 'tomé', the first person singular form of the verb 'tomar' which means 'to drink'. 'Jugo de uva' translates to 'grape juice'.

La uva viene de Francia.

English translation of La uva viene de Francia.

The grape comes from France.

This sentence uses the verb 'viene', which means 'comes'. The structure is subject (La uva) + verb (viene) + preposition (de) + location (Francia).

Recojo uvas del suelo.

English translation of Recojo uvas del suelo.

I pick up grapes from the floor.

In this phrase, 'Recojo' displays the use of the first person singular form of the verb 'recoger', meaning 'to pick up'. 'Del' is a contraction of 'de' and 'el', basically translating to 'from the'.

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