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uso obligatorio del cinturón de seguridad

English translation of uso obligatorio del cinturón de seguridad

mandatory use of seat belt

The phrase 'uso obligatorio del cinturón de seguridad' is a Spanish phrase that, when translated into English, means 'mandatory use of seat belt'. The language nuances imply a strong command or law, indicating that the wearing of a seat belt is not optional, but is a necessary safety measure, required by law for all vehicle passengers. This phrase is commonly seen in transportation regulations and safety instructions.

Example sentences using: uso obligatorio del cinturón de seguridad

En nuestro viaje en coche, el uso obligatorio del cinturón de seguridad fue insistido por el conductor.

English translation of En nuestro viaje en coche, el uso obligatorio del cinturón de seguridad fue insistido por el conductor.

During our car trip, the mandatory use of the seat belt was insisted on by the driver.

This sentence is saying that during a car trip, the driver made sure to remind everyone that they had to wear their seat belts because it is a rule that must be followed.

La ley chilena establece el uso obligatorio del cinturón de seguridad en todo momento durante la conducción.

English translation of La ley chilena establece el uso obligatorio del cinturón de seguridad en todo momento durante la conducción.

Chilean law establishes the mandatory use of seat belts at all times during driving.

This sentence tells us about a specific law in Chile that requires the use of a seat belt at all times while driving. This means no matter where you are driving in Chile, you must always have your seat belt fastened.

Para garantizar la seguridad de los pasajeros, las aerolíneas hacen hincapié en el uso obligatorio del cinturón de seguridad durante el despegue y aterrizaje.

English translation of Para garantizar la seguridad de los pasajeros, las aerolíneas hacen hincapié en el uso obligatorio del cinturón de seguridad durante el despegue y aterrizaje.

To ensure the safety of passengers, airlines emphasize the mandatory use of seat belts during takeoff and landing.

This sentence points out that airlines emphasize the use of seat belts during takeoff and landing as a safety measure. This is important because being secured in your seat can prevent possible injuries from sudden changes in the aircraft's movements.

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