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English translation of urna


The Spanish word 'urna' translates to 'urn' in English. This word is generally used to refer to a large, often decorative, container, particularly those that are used to hold the ashes of someone who has been cremated. Additionally, 'urna' can also refer to a container used to hold lots or draw tickets in a lottery or vote.

Example sentences using: urna

La urna está llena de votos

English translation of La urna está llena de votos

The ballot box is full of votes

In this sentence, 'urna' is used in the context of an election, indicating a container where votes are placed.

El vaso tiene una forma similar a una urna

English translation of El vaso tiene una forma similar a una urna

The glass has a shape similar to a urn

In this sentence, 'urna' is used to compare the shape of a vaso (glass or cup) with that of an urn, which can be used to hold various items, not just votes.

En el museo, vimos una urna antigua

English translation of En el museo, vimos una urna antigua

In the museum, we saw an ancient urn

In this sentence, 'urna' is used in an historical or cultural context. An 'urna antigua' is an artifact from an earlier time period that is typically displayed in museums.

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