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English translation of urbano


The word 'urbano' in Spanish is an adjective that directly translates to 'urban' in English. It is used to describe something that is in, relating to, or characteristic of a town or city. This word often characterizes environments, lifestyles, or areas that are influenced by the cultural, economic and societal activities of towns or cities. It can further be used in a range of contexts such as urban development, urban lifestyle, urban population, among others.

Example sentences using: urbano

El transporte urbano es eficiente en esta ciudad.

English translation of El transporte urbano es eficiente en esta ciudad.

Urban transport is efficient in this city.

This phrase is commenting on the quality of transportation within a city, which can include buses, subways, trams, and other forms of public transport.

English translation of El arte urbano es una forma de expresión popular.

Urban art is a form of popular expression.

This sentence is stating that art found in urban settings, often known as street art or graffiti, is a common way for individuals to express themselves.

El centro urbano está muy concurrido.

English translation of El centro urbano está muy concurrido.

The urban center is very crowded.

This sentence is describing a common situation in many cities, where the urban center, or downtown area, can often be crowded with people.

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