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English translation of urbanidad


The Spanish word 'urbanidad' translates to 'urbanity' in English. It refers to the characteristic of being urban, or of an urban area. 'Urbanidad' represents the sophistication, manners, and refinement typically associated with urban living. It is often used in reference to cities or individuals who possess qualities associated with city life such as cosmopolitanism, modernity, and cultural sophistication.

Example sentences using: urbanidad

La urbanidad es importante para tener una buena convivencia en sociedad.

English translation of La urbanidad es importante para tener una buena convivencia en sociedad.

Urbanity is important to have good coexistence in society.

In this example, 'urbanity' refers to the good manners and behavior that are expected from people when they are in public spaces or groups.

Vivir en la ciudad requiere un cierto nivel de urbanidad.

English translation of Vivir en la ciudad requiere un cierto nivel de urbanidad.

Living in the city requires a certain level of urbanity.

In this context, 'urbanity' refers to the social skills and etiquette required to interact appropriately with others in a city environment where space is often shared with a lot of different people.

El profesor enseñó a los niños sobre la importancia de la urbanidad en su vida diaria.

English translation of El profesor enseñó a los niños sobre la importancia de la urbanidad en su vida diaria.

The teacher taught the children about the importance of urbanity in their daily life.

Here, 'urbanity' refers to the general principles of proper behavior, politeness, and respect towards others as part of a child's education.

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