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English translation of universo


The Spanish word 'universo' translates to 'universe' in English. It refers to all existing matter and space considered as a whole, which includes the earth, stars, galaxies and all other forms of energy and matter. This word is often used in a variety of contexts, including astronomy, physics, metaphysics and theology.

Example sentences using: universo

El universo es infinito.

English translation of El universo es infinito.

The universe is infinite.

This sentence simply affirms the state or quality of the universe as being infinite or limitless. In Spanish, 'es' is the verb 'to be' in the 3rd person singular, thus 'El universo' is the subject, 'es' the verb, and 'infinito' the predicate adjective describing the universe.

Ella estudia el universo como astrónoma.

English translation of Ella estudia el universo como astrónoma.

She studies the universe as an astronomer.

The sentence states that a woman (Ella) is studying the universe in her role as an astronomer. This demonstrates how 'universo' can fit into a sentence as the object of a verb, in this case 'estudia', which means 'studies'. The profession 'astrónoma' designates her specific role or manner in doing the action.

Cada estrella en el universo tiene una historia.

English translation of Cada estrella en el universo tiene una historia.

Every star in the universe has a story.

This sentence presents a general narrative about 'each star' ('Cada estrella') having a story. The 'universo' is the place or setting where these stars exist. This shows how it can be used in conjunction with prepositions to indicate location.

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