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English translation of unión


The Spanish word 'unión' can be used in a variety of contexts similar to English. It can mean the act of joining two or more things together, as well as a group of people or states that have agreed to work together for a common cause. For example, in a sentence, 'La unión de estas dos empresas creará una potencia global' - The union of these two companies will create a global power.

Example sentences using: unión

Nuestra unión hace la fuerza.

English translation of Nuestra unión hace la fuerza.

Our unity makes us strong.

This is a common phrase used in Spanish to express the idea that when people or groups unite, they are stronger.

La unión de estos dos metales es muy fuerte.

English translation of La unión de estos dos metales es muy fuerte.

The union of these two metals is very strong.

This sentence shows how the word 'union' is used in the context of physical combinations or mixtures, in this case, metals.

La unión entre ellos era evidente.

English translation of La unión entre ellos era evidente.

The union between them was evident.

In this instance, 'union' is referring to a strong connection or bond between two people.

La unión de su equipo fue clave para ganar el partido.

English translation of La unión de su equipo fue clave para ganar el partido.

The unity of their team was key to winning the match.

This sentence is explaining how the unity or cohesiveness of a team contributed to their success.

La unión hace la fiesta más divertida.

English translation of La unión hace la fiesta más divertida.

Unity makes the party more fun.

This phrase is showing how unity, or people coming together, can make a social event more enjoyable.

Ellos reclaman la unión de los países latinoamericanos.

English translation of Ellos reclaman la unión de los países latinoamericanos.

They demand the union of Latin American countries.

Here, 'union' is used in a political context to refer to the joining together of countries.

La unión familiar es muy importante para ellos.

English translation of La unión familiar es muy importante para ellos.

Family unity is very important to them.

In this phrase, 'union' is used to talk about the importance of a united family.

El viaje fortaleció su unión como pareja.

English translation of El viaje fortaleció su unión como pareja.

The trip strengthened their bond as a couple.

This phrase refers to 'union' as a bond, particularly referring to the relationship between two people in a couple.

La unión de las dos empresas tuvo éxito.

English translation of La unión de las dos empresas tuvo éxito.

The merger of the two companies was successful.

This sentence demonstrates the use of 'union' in a business context where it can mean the merger of two companies.

La unión de esos ingredientes creó un sabor único.

English translation of La unión de esos ingredientes creó un sabor único.

The combination of those ingredients created a unique flavor.

This sentence uses 'union' to refer to the blending of ingredients in a culinary context.

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