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turno de noche

English translation of turno de noche

night shift

The Spanish term 'turno de noche' translates to 'night shift' in English. It commonly refers to a work shift that takes place during the night hours, typically in work places that operate 24 hours a day, such as hospitals, factories, or emergency services. The exact hours can differ, but it often refers to a shift that starts in the late evening and ends in the early morning.

Example sentences using: turno de noche

Pablo odia tener el turno de noche en la tienda.

English translation of Pablo odia tener el turno de noche en la tienda.

Pablo hates having the night shift at the store.

In this example, 'turno de noche' is used to express the time Pablo is scheduled to work at the store, which is during the night. It implies that Pablo is dissatisfied with his night shift schedule.

Mi padre trabaja el turno de noche en el hospital.

English translation of Mi padre trabaja el turno de noche en el hospital.

My father works the night shift at the hospital.

In this sentence, 'turno de noche' refers to the time of work that continues throughout the night. This phrase indicates that the speaker's father works during this time at a hospital.

El turno de noche puede ser agotador para muchos trabajadores.

English translation of El turno de noche puede ser agotador para muchos trabajadores.

The night shift can be exhausting for many workers.

Here, 'turno de noche' is referring to the working hours during the night. It indicates that working at night can often be tiring for many workers due to the irregular sleeping patterns it can cause.

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