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turno de día

English translation of turno de día

day shift

The Spanish term 'turno de día' translates to 'day shift' in English. In most business settings, this phrase refers to a period of work that typically takes place during the day, often from morning to early evening. For example, in hospitals or round-the-clock businesses, employees working the 'turno de día' usually work in the daytime.

Example sentences using: turno de día

Mi padre trabaja en el turno de día en el hospital.

English translation of Mi padre trabaja en el turno de día en el hospital.

My father works the day shift at the hospital.

In this sentence, 'turno de día' refers to the period of work that a person has during the day. In the case of the speaker's father, he works at the hospital during the daylight hours.

El turno de día en la fábrica es agotador.

English translation of El turno de día en la fábrica es agotador.

The day shift at the factory is exhausting.

In this statement, 'turno de día' is being used to describe the contract work hours during the day in a factory setting, which the speaker finds exhausting or tiring.

Cuando llego del turno de día, lo único que quiero hacer es dormir.

English translation of Cuando llego del turno de día, lo único que quiero hacer es dormir.

When I come from the day shift, all I want to do is sleep.

Here, 'turno de día' refers to a conventional work schedule that happens during the day. The speaker is expressing that they are so tired after working these hours that they want to go to sleep immediately.

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