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turismo rural

English translation of turismo rural

rural tourism

The Spanish term 'turismo rural' translates to 'rural tourism' in English. It is a type of tourism that features rural environments or small communities often removed from highly commercialized and industrial areas. Participants in 'turismo rural' typically have opportunities to experience, firsthand, rural life and local traditions, including art, cuisine, and more. Additionally, 'turismo rural' often emphasizes educational and preservation efforts pertaining to natural and cultural heritage.

Example sentences using: turismo rural

Nosotros planeamos visitar el turismo rural en Galicia este verano.

English translation of Nosotros planeamos visitar el turismo rural en Galicia este verano.

We plan to visit rural tourism in Galicia this summer.

This sentence is telling us that the speakers are planning to experience rural tourism - likely meaning visiting the countryside, historical villages, or natural landscapes - in Galicia, an autonomous community of Spain, during the summer period.

English translation of El turismo rural es una forma popular de vacaciones en Andalucía.

Rural tourism is a popular form of vacation in Andalusia.

This is stating that rural tourism, which might consist of traveling to and enjoying the rural parts of a country, is a favorite way for people to go on vacations in Andalusia, a region in Spain.

El turismo rural contribuye a la economía local en muchos lugares de España.

English translation of El turismo rural contribuye a la economía local en muchos lugares de España.

Rural tourism contributes to the local economy in many places in Spain.

This sentence is discussing the economic impact of rural tourism - such as the increase of income for local businesses - in various parts of Spain.

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