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tú mismo

English translation of tú mismo


The Spanish word 'tú mismo' can be directly translated to 'yourself'. It is often used when referring to the person in question. It is used in many different contexts, in line with how the term 'yourself' is used in English - to refer back to the subject of a sentence or clause.

Example sentences using: tú mismo

Tú mismo lo elegiste

English translation of Tú mismo lo elegiste

You chose it yourself

This phrase means that the person made their own choice. 'Lo elegiste' means 'you chose it'.

Tú mismo deberías saberlo

English translation of Tú mismo deberías saberlo

You should know it yourself

This phrase implies that the person is expected to know something without being told, due to their personal involvement or experience.

Hazlo tú mismo

English translation of Hazlo tú mismo

Do it yourself

This phrase is a simple command, telling someone to do something on their own. In Spanish, 'Hazlo' is the command 'do it', and 'tú mismo' means 'yourself'.

Tú mismo te lo creaste

English translation of Tú mismo te lo creaste

You created it yourself

This sentence could be used when somebody made something by their own efforts. 'Te' stands for 'you' in the reflexive form, 'lo creaste' is 'you created it'.

Tú mismo lo viste

English translation of Tú mismo lo viste

You saw it yourself

This phrase is used when emphasizing that someone personally witnessed or experienced something. 'Lo viste' in Spanish would translate to 'you saw it' in English.

Vuelve a intentarlo tú mismo

English translation of Vuelve a intentarlo tú mismo

Try again yourself

This sentence can be used to encourage someone to retry something on their own. 'Vuelve a intentarlo' means 'try again', and 'tú mismo' is 'yourself'.

Puedes decidirlo tú mismo

English translation of Puedes decidirlo tú mismo

You can decide it yourself

In this phrase, someone is being told they have the authority or ability to make a decision on their own.

Has venido tú mismo

English translation of Has venido tú mismo

You have come yourself

This is a way of saying that someone made the effort to come on their own, which could be used to express surprise or appreciation.

Tú mismo lo dijiste

English translation of Tú mismo lo dijiste

You said it yourself

This sentence is used to remind somebody of something they themselves declared or admitted.

No puedes culpar a nadie más que a tú mismo

English translation of No puedes culpar a nadie más que a tú mismo

You can't blame anyone else but yourself

This phrase is used to express that the person cannot point fingers at anyone else for what happened, but only at themselves. 'No puedes' is 'you can't', 'culpar' is 'blame', 'nadie más que' is 'anyone else but'.

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