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English translation of tronar


'Tronar' does not translate to 'trousers' in English. It is a verb and comes from the Spanish verb 'tronar' which means to thunder, to crack, to explode or to fail. For example, in the context of weather, it is used to describe the sound made by thunder. It is also commonly used to refer to something breaking or failing abruptly.

Example sentences using: tronar

Mi estómago trona cuando tengo hambre.

English translation of Mi estómago trona cuando tengo hambre.

My stomach rumbles when I'm hungry.

This sentence uses tronar to describe the sound a hungry stomach makes.

El cielo empezó a tronar justo antes de que comenzara la tormenta.

English translation of El cielo empezó a tronar justo antes de que comenzara la tormenta.

The sky started to thunder just before the storm began.

In this sentence, tronar is used literally to denote the sound that precedes a storm.

Cuando las nubes empiezan a tronar, sabes que va a llover.

English translation of Cuando las nubes empiezan a tronar, sabes que va a llover.

When the clouds start to crack, you know it's going to rain.

This phrase expresses a common weather correlation in Spanish-speaking regions, where thunder often signals incoming rain.

El coche viejo de Juan está empezando a tronar.

English translation of El coche viejo de Juan está empezando a tronar.

Juan's old car is starting to rumble.

This phrase uses tronar figuratively to describe the loud, faulty operation of an old car.

Si comes mucha comida picante, tu estómago va a tronar.

English translation of Si comes mucha comida picante, tu estómago va a tronar.

If you eat a lot of spicy food, your stomach is going to rumble.

Tronar is being used here to denote discomfort and noise in the stomach due to consumption of spicy food.

Escuché tronar los fuegos artificiales durante la celebración.

English translation of Escuché tronar los fuegos artificiales durante la celebración.

I heard the fireworks crack during the celebration.

In this phrase, tronar is used to describe the sound fireworks make during a celebration.

El motor empezó a tronar antes de que se apagara.

English translation of El motor empezó a tronar antes de que se apagara.

The engine started to rumble before it shut off.

In this context, tronar refers to malfunctioning of a motor, producing a loud noise before shutting down.

El hielo comienza a tronar cuando se está rompiendo.

English translation of El hielo comienza a tronar cuando se está rompiendo.

The ice starts to crack when it is breaking.

Here, tronar refers to the sound made by ice when it starts to fragment.

El cuero trona cuando se dobla.

English translation of El cuero trona cuando se dobla.

Leather cracks when it's folded.

In this context, tronar is being used to describe the noise made by stiff leather when it is manipulated.

Las ramas secas tronan bajo los pies.

English translation of Las ramas secas tronan bajo los pies.

Dry branches crackle underfoot.

This phrase uses tronar to describe the sound dry branches make when stepped on.

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