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English translation of trompeta


A trumpet is a brass musical instrument that you play by blowing into it. 'Trompeta' is the Spanish noun for this type of instrument.

Example sentences using: trompeta

La trompeta es un instrumento musical.

English translation of La trompeta es un instrumento musical.

The trumpet is a musical instrument.

This simple statement is a good introduction to the noun 'trompeta'. In this sentence it is used in the context of identifying what a trumpet is in Spanish.

Miguel toca la trompeta en la banda.

English translation of Miguel toca la trompeta en la banda.

Miguel plays the trumpet in the band.

This sentence gives an example of 'trompeta' being used to describe what instrument someone plays. Note how the verb 'tocar' is used for 'to play' an instrument.

El sonido de la trompeta es alegre.

English translation of El sonido de la trompeta es alegre.

The sound of the trumpet is joyful.

This sentence uses 'trompeta' to discuss the sound the instrument makes. It also introduces the adjective 'alegre', which translates to 'joyful' in English.

La trompeta es más fuerte que el flautín.

English translation of La trompeta es más fuerte que el flautín.

The trumpet is louder than the piccolo.

In this sentence, 'trompeta' is used in a comparison to show that the trumpet is louder than the piccolo, which introduces the comparative phrase 'más ... que' (more... than).

Quiero aprender a tocar la trompeta.

English translation of Quiero aprender a tocar la trompeta.

I want to learn to play the trumpet.

This is an example of a common phrase that beginner language learners might use to express a desire to learn something new, in this case, to play the trumpet.

Jorge está afinando su trompeta.

English translation of Jorge está afinando su trompeta.

Jorge is tuning his trumpet.

In this sentence, 'trompeta' is used to specify which instrument Jorge is tuning. This also introduces the reflexive verb 'afinar' which means 'to tune'.

La trompeta está hecha de metal.

English translation of La trompeta está hecha de metal.

The trumpet is made of metal.

The sentence provides information about the material 'metal' which trumpets are typically made from.

Ella está practicando la trompeta para el concierto.

English translation of Ella está practicando la trompeta para el concierto.

She is practicing the trumpet for the concert.

In this sentence, 'trompeta' appears as the object of her practicing. This sentence can be used to discuss preparing for an event.

Mi trompeta necesita ser limpiada.

English translation of Mi trompeta necesita ser limpiada.

My trumpet needs to be cleaned.

This sentence uses 'trompeta' to talk about maintenance activities related to the care and upkeep of an instrument.

Puedo escuchar la trompeta desde mi casa.

English translation of Puedo escuchar la trompeta desde mi casa.

I can hear the trumpet from my house.

This sentence allows the student to practice using the verb 'poder' to express ability, as well as 'escuchar' which means 'to hear'.

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