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Tribunal Constitucional

English translation of Tribunal Constitucional

Constitutional Court

Tribunal Constitucional is a Spanish term which translates to 'Constitutional Court' in English. A Constitutional Court is a high court that deals with matters related to the constitution of a country. It is where issues of constitutional legality are decided, such as testing the constitutionality of laws or government decisions. It plays a vital role in a nation's system of checks and balances, enforcing the fundamental laws of the land and ensuring that the government functions within its constitutional boundaries.

Example sentences using: Tribunal Constitucional

El Tribunal Constitucional es la máxima autoridad en asuntos de constitucionalidad en España.

English translation of El Tribunal Constitucional es la máxima autoridad en asuntos de constitucionalidad en España.

The Constitutional Court is the highest authority in constitutional matters in Spain.

This sentence explains the role of the Constitutional Court in Spain. It's referred to as being the ultimate authority regarding constitutional affairs, indicating that it has the final say in constitutional disputes or interpretations.

El Tribunal Constitucional publicó una sentencia muy controversia.

English translation of El Tribunal Constitucional publicó una sentencia muy controversia.

The Constitutional Court published a very controversial ruling.

This sentence presents a hypothetical situation where the Constitutional Court makes a controversial decision. It indicates that the decisions of the court can be contentious or disputed, reflecting the court's significant role in shaping legal and policy directions.

Un asunto fue llevado al Tribunal Constitucional para su juicio.

English translation of Un asunto fue llevado al Tribunal Constitucional para su juicio.

A matter was brought to the Constitutional Court for its trial.

This sentence refers to a case being taken to the Constitutional Court for judgement. It shows that the court plays a crucial role in the judicial processes, particularly when the issues on trial pertain to constitutional affairs.

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