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tren directo

English translation of tren directo

Direct train

The Spanish term 'tren directo' translates to 'direct train' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of travel and transportation. A 'tren directo' is a type of train that does not have any stops between the initial departure station and the destination station. It is 'direct' meaning that it goes straight to the destination without stopping at any other stations in between. The phrase 'tren directo' embodies convenience and efficient travel, significantly reducing time and offering passengers a straight route to their end location.

Example sentences using: tren directo

Voy a coger el tren directo a Madrid.

English translation of Voy a coger el tren directo a Madrid.

I'm going to take the direct train to Madrid.

This example illustrates a situation where the speaker intends to board a non-stop or direct train service to Madrid, highlighting the use of 'tren directo' which means 'direct train' in this context.

Este tren directo corre sin paradas hasta la última estación.

English translation of Este tren directo corre sin paradas hasta la última estación.

This direct train runs without stops until the last station.

In this example, 'tren directo' is used to describe a train service that traverses its route without making any stops until it reaches the final station.

Su mejor opción sería el tren directo que sale a las 7 de la mañana.

English translation of Su mejor opción sería el tren directo que sale a las 7 de la mañana.

Your best option would be the direct train that leaves at 7 in the morning.

This sentence provides advice to another person, suggesting that the 'tren directo' (direct train) which departs at 7 in the morning would be their best travel option.

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