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English translation of traumatólogo


The Spanish word 'traumatólogo' translates to 'traumatologist' in English. A traumatologist is a type of doctor who specializes in treating injuries that occur as a result of trauma, particularly severe or life-threatening types of injuries, such as those sustained in car accidents or violent events. Their primary responsibilities include providing immediate care to emergency patients, diagnosing injuries or disorders, developing treatment plans, and conducting follow-up visits to monitor recovery.

Example sentences using: traumatólogo

Mi amigo es un excelente traumatólogo.

English translation of Mi amigo es un excelente traumatólogo.

My friend is an excellent trauma surgeon.

In this sentence, the Spanish singular masculine noun 'traumatólogo' is used to express that the speaker's friend is a good professional in this medical specialty.

He visitado al traumatólogo para mi lesión en la rodilla.

English translation of He visitado al traumatólogo para mi lesión en la rodilla.

I have visited the trauma surgeon for my knee injury.

Here, the speaker is using the word 'traumatólogo' to indicate that they have visited a trauma surgeon, a type of doctor who specializes in injuries often caused by impact or physical trauma, for a specific problem, referred to as a 'knee injury'.

El traumatólogo puede ayudarte con ese dolor de espalda.

English translation of El traumatólogo puede ayudarte con ese dolor de espalda.

The trauma surgeon can help you with that back pain.

In this example, the speaker is suggesting that a trauma surgeon ('traumatólogo') can provide assistance or a possible solution for back pain, which is identified as a common issue that would fall under this specialist's area of expertise.

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