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traumatismo torácico

English translation of traumatismo torácico

chest trauma

The term 'traumatismo torácico' in Spanish translates to 'chest trauma' in English. Chest trauma refers to any form of physical injury to the chest including the ribs, heart, and lungs. This could be caused due to accidents, falls, or blunt force. Chest trauma is a serious medical condition that requires immediate attention as it could potentially cause damage to vital chest organs.

Example sentences using: traumatismo torácico

Josefina tiene un traumatismo torácico tras el accidente de coche.

English translation of Josefina tiene un traumatismo torácico tras el accidente de coche.

Josefina has a thoracic trauma after the car accident.

In this sentence, the subject 'Josefina' suffered a 'traumatismo torácico' or 'thoracic trauma' due to a car accident. This sentence could be used in medical or casual contexts to explain the condition of a person after a serious event or accident.

El médico mencionó que el traumatismo torácico es grave.

English translation of El médico mencionó que el traumatismo torácico es grave.

The doctor mentioned that the thoracic trauma is serious.

This sentence expresses the severity of 'traumatismo torácico' or 'thoracic trauma', as stated by a doctor. This sentence is typically used within a medical context.

Debido al traumatismo torácico, debes tomar estos medicamentos.

English translation of Debido al traumatismo torácico, debes tomar estos medicamentos.

Due to the thoracic trauma, you should take these medicines.

This sentence provides an instruction or advice about actions need to be taken 'Due to the thoracic trauma'. It implies the speaker is communicating a plan of treatment or necessary steps in response to 'traumatismo torácico' or 'thoracic trauma'.

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