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tratar con odio

English translation of tratar con odio

dealing with hatred

The Spanish phrase 'tratar con odio' can be translated to English as 'dealing with hatred'. This phrase could be used in different contexts, for example, when talking about how individuals, societies or organizations manage or respond to situations or attitudes characterized by animosity, resentment or hostility, which are all feelings associated with hatred.

Example sentences using: tratar con odio

Por ninguna razón debemos tratar con odio a las personas.

English translation of Por ninguna razón debemos tratar con odio a las personas.

For no reason should we treat people with hatred.

This sentence explains the moral teaching that under no circumstances should we show hatred towards others.

Es injusto tratar con odio a los animales.

English translation of Es injusto tratar con odio a los animales.

It is unfair to treat animals with hatred.

This phrase refers to the idea that we should not treat animals unjustly or with hatred.

Debes comprender que tratar con odio a los demás no te llevará a nada bueno.

English translation of Debes comprender que tratar con odio a los demás no te llevará a nada bueno.

You must understand that treating others with hatred will not lead you to anything good.

This sentence advises that hateful behavior towards others is not beneficial.

Tratar con odio a tu enemigo solo aumentará la discordia.

English translation of Tratar con odio a tu enemigo solo aumentará la discordia.

Treating your enemy with hatred will only increase discord.

This example implies that treating enemies with hatred will make the conflicts worse.

Tratar con odio a las personas no hace bien a tu salud mental.

English translation of Tratar con odio a las personas no hace bien a tu salud mental.

Treating people with hatred does not do your mental health any good.

This phrase asserts that being hateful towards others can negatively impact one's mental health.

No es correcto tratar con odio a alguien solo por sus opiniones.

English translation of No es correcto tratar con odio a alguien solo por sus opiniones.

It is not right to treat someone with hatred just because of their opinions.

This example purports the importance of respecting others' opinions instead of reacting in hatred.

Algunas personas tienen la mala costumbre de tratar con odio a los que son diferentes.

English translation of Algunas personas tienen la mala costumbre de tratar con odio a los que son diferentes.

Some people have the bad habit of treating those who are different with hatred.

This phrase sheds light on the issue of people showing hatred or bias towards those who are different from them.

Las películas a menudo muestran personajes que tratan con odio a los villanos.

English translation of Las películas a menudo muestran personajes que tratan con odio a los villanos.

Movies often show characters who treat villains with hatred.

This sentence describes a common trope in storytelling where characters show hatred towards the villains.

Tratar con odio a los demás refleja tu propia infelicidad.

English translation of Tratar con odio a los demás refleja tu propia infelicidad.

Treating others with hatred reflects your own unhappiness.

This phrase implies that one’s hateful behavior towards others can be a reflection of one’s own unhappiness.

Tratar con odio a tu ex no te permitirá seguir adelante.

English translation of Tratar con odio a tu ex no te permitirá seguir adelante.

Treating your ex with hatred won't allow you to move forward.

This sentence suggests that harboring hatred for an ex-partner may hinder personal progress.

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