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tratar con frialdad

English translation of tratar con frialdad

treat with coldness

The Spanish phrase 'tratar con frialdad' translates to 'treat with coldness' in English. It is used to describe the action of dealing with someone in an unkind, unemotional, or indifferent manner. This concept involves not showing much warmth, affection, or friendliness towards the person one is interacting with. The phrase can be used in various contexts exactly where the English equivalent might be used.

Example sentences using: tratar con frialdad

Su comportamiento hizo que todos empezaran a tratarlo con frialdad.

English translation of Su comportamiento hizo que todos empezaran a tratarlo con frialdad.

His behavior made everyone start treating him coldly.

This sentence implies that the person's behavior was negative or disappointing, causing others to respond by becoming distant or indifferent, that is, treating him coldly.

Las personas tienden a tratar con frialdad a quien no conocen.

English translation of Las personas tienden a tratar con frialdad a quien no conocen.

People tend to treat those whom they do not know coldly.

In this sentence, it is suggested that people often behave indifferently or distantly towards strangers, that is, they treat them coldly.

El profesor comenzó a tratar con frialdad a sus estudiantes que no entregaron la tarea.

English translation of El profesor comenzó a tratar con frialdad a sus estudiantes que no entregaron la tarea.

The teacher began to treat his students who did not submit the homework coldly.

This sentence implies that the teacher's attitude towards his students who did not complete their homework became indifferent or less friendly, in other words, he began to treat them coldly.

Carla no sabía por qué su mejor amiga la empezó a tratar con frialdad.

English translation of Carla no sabía por qué su mejor amiga la empezó a tratar con frialdad.

Carla did not know why her best friend started treating her coldly.

This statement suggests that Carla's friend suddenly changed her behavior and became less warm and friendly towards her, that is, began to treat her coldly, and Carla did not understand why.

Tratar con frialdad a alguien suele ser un signo de resentimiento o enfado.

English translation of Tratar con frialdad a alguien suele ser un signo de resentimiento o enfado.

Treating someone coldly is usually a sign of resentment or anger.

This sentence suggests that when someone treats someone else coldly, it usually indicates that the person is upset or angry at the other person.

Tras el malentendido, comenzaron a tratar con frialdad a Pedro.

English translation of Tras el malentendido, comenzaron a tratar con frialdad a Pedro.

After the misunderstanding, they began to treat Pedro coldly.

This sentence implies that as a result of some misunderstanding, Pedro started to be treated in a less friendly or indifferent manner by others, or in other words, he was treated coldly.

En el trabajo, su jefe lo empezó a tratar con frialdad después del error.

English translation of En el trabajo, su jefe lo empezó a tratar con frialdad después del error.

At work, his boss started treating him coldly after the mistake.

This sentence means that the boss changed his behavior and became indifferent or less friendly towards the employee after he made a mistake, that is, he started treating him coldly.

Si siempre tratas con frialdad a las personas, será difícil que hagan amigos.

English translation of Si siempre tratas con frialdad a las personas, será difícil que hagan amigos.

If you always treat people coldly, it will be difficult for them to make friends.

The message of this sentence is that if one constantly behaves in an indifferent or cold manner towards others, it will be challenging for them to form friendships.

No entiende por qué su novio la empezó a tratar con frialdad.

English translation of No entiende por qué su novio la empezó a tratar con frialdad.

She does not understand why her boyfriend started treating her coldly.

This sentence expresses the idea that the boyfriend's behavior changed and he became less warm or loving towards the girlfriend, in other words, he started treating her coldly, and she does not know why.

A pesar de su éxito, algunas personas en la industria comenzaron a tratarlo con frialdad.

English translation of A pesar de su éxito, algunas personas en la industria comenzaron a tratarlo con frialdad.

Despite his success, some people in the industry began to treat him coldly.

The usage of 'tratar con frialdad' in this sentence implies that even though he achieved success, some people in his professional environment became indifferent or less friendly towards him.

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