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tratar con distancia

English translation of tratar con distancia

treat with distance

'Tratar con distancia' is a Spanish phrase that is used to illustrate a certain type of interaction between individuals. When translated to English, it becomes 'treat with distance'. This means that one is dealing with someone or something in a reserved or aloof manner, often keeping an emotional or physical distance. It is not only used for personal interactions but can also be applicable to professional or formal situations.

Example sentences using: tratar con distancia

Siempre tratan con distancia a los nuevos empleados.

English translation of Siempre tratan con distancia a los nuevos empleados.

They always treat new employees with distance.

This sentence suggests that the established employees don't engage much with the new hires, keeping professional or emotional distance from them.

Mis padres trataron con distancia a mi novio la primera vez que lo conocieron.

English translation of Mis padres trataron con distancia a mi novio la primera vez que lo conocieron.

My parents treated my boyfriend with distance the first time they met him.

In this context, the speaker's parents didn't warmly welcome their daughter's boyfriend; they kept themselves, in some way, distant from him during their first meeting.

Es mejor tratar con distancia los problemas hasta que puedas enfrentarlos.

English translation of Es mejor tratar con distancia los problemas hasta que puedas enfrentarlos.

It's better to treat problems with distance until you can face them.

This phrase suggests the approach of maintaining emotional distance from issues until one is ready to deal with them directly.

Cuando me mudé a esta ciudad, los vecinos me trataron con distancia.

English translation of Cuando me mudé a esta ciudad, los vecinos me trataron con distancia.

When I moved to this city, the neighbors treated me with distance.

This sentence means the speaker's neighbors kept a certain distance and did not make much effort in forming relationships when the speaker moved to their city.

Debemos tratar con distancia estos comentarios ofensivos en las redes sociales.

English translation of Debemos tratar con distancia estos comentarios ofensivos en las redes sociales.

We should treat these offensive comments on social media with distance.

This sentence advises to keep emotional distance from offensive comments on social media, suggesting that one should not let such comments affect them deeply.

En ocasiones, trato con distancia las noticias negativas para proteger mi salud mental.

English translation of En ocasiones, trato con distancia las noticias negativas para proteger mi salud mental.

Sometimes, I treat negative news with distance to protect my mental health.

In this statement, the speaker suggests handling negative news at a distance to protect their mental health, indicating that they don't let such news affect them unduly.

Podemos tratar con distancia las críticas hasta entender su verdadero significado.

English translation of Podemos tratar con distancia las críticas hasta entender su verdadero significado.

We can treat criticism with distance until we understand its true meaning.

This phrase indicates that it's better to keep some emotional distance from criticism until one fully understands what it means, to potentially prevent misinterpretations or hasty reactions.

El director trataba con distancia todas las decisiones importantes.

English translation of El director trataba con distancia todas las decisiones importantes.

The director treated all important decisions with distance.

In this context, the director keeps a certain degree of detachment when making important decisions, perhaps indicating a level of impartiality.

Puede ser sano tratar con distancia los conflictos hasta tener la capacidad de resolverlos.

English translation of Puede ser sano tratar con distancia los conflictos hasta tener la capacidad de resolverlos.

It can be healthy to treat conflicts with distance until you have the ability to resolve them.

This sentence suggests that maintaining emotional distance from conflicts until one is capable of resolving them can be a healthy approach.

Ella sabe tratar con distancia a los que le hacen daño.

English translation of Ella sabe tratar con distancia a los que le hacen daño.

She knows how to treat those who harm her with distance.

This sentence implies the speaker's ability to maintain distance from people who cause her harm, distancing herself either emotionally, physically or both.

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