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tratar con cordialidad

English translation of tratar con cordialidad

to deal with cordiality

The Spanish phrase 'tratar con cordialidad' translates to 'to deal with cordiality' in English. It refers to the act of treating someone with respect, politeness, and friendliness. It suggests a sense of warmth and friendliness in one's dealings or interactions with others. The word 'tratar' means 'to treat', 'con' is a preposition meaning 'with', and 'cordialidad' translates to 'cordiality'. Combining these, we get the meaning of the phrase. It is often used in professional or formal contexts to express courtesy and respect towards others.

Example sentences using: tratar con cordialidad

Debemos tratar con cordialidad a todos nuestros clientes.

English translation of Debemos tratar con cordialidad a todos nuestros clientes.

We must treat all our customers with cordiality.

In this instance, tratar con cordialidad refers to what a business's approach should be towards their customers. It is suggesting a respectful and warm behavior should be enacted towards all clientele.

Es importante tratar con cordialidad a las personas que apenas conoces.

English translation of Es importante tratar con cordialidad a las personas que apenas conoces.

It's important to treat people you hardly know with cordiality.

This sentence reflects the value of showing respect and kindness even to strangers or people we don't know well.

La jefa siempre nos recuerda que tenemos que tratar con cordialidad a los proveedores.

English translation of La jefa siempre nos recuerda que tenemos que tratar con cordialidad a los proveedores.

The boss always reminds us that we have to treat the suppliers with cordiality.

In this case, tratar con cordialidad is used in a professional context, emphasizing the importance of good relationships with business partners.

Tratar con cordialidad a tus compañeros de trabajo siempre es una buena práctica.

English translation of Tratar con cordialidad a tus compañeros de trabajo siempre es una buena práctica.

Treating your coworkers with cordiality is always good practice.

Here the sentence speaks about workplace dynamics and suggests that cordiality should be a norm within a professional setting.

En este club, todos tratan con cordialidad a los nuevos miembros.

English translation of En este club, todos tratan con cordialidad a los nuevos miembros.

In this club, everyone treats new members with cordiality.

This phrase is talking about a social environment in a club. The phrase tratar con cordialidad is used to portray a welcoming atmosphere.

Aunque estés molesto, debes tratar con cordialidad a los demás.

English translation of Aunque estés molesto, debes tratar con cordialidad a los demás.

Even if you are upset, you should treat others with cordiality.

This sentence underlines the importance of being cordial regardless of personal feelings or mood.

El maestro siempre nos indicó que debíamos tratar con cordialidad a nuestros compañeros de clase.

English translation of El maestro siempre nos indicó que debíamos tratar con cordialidad a nuestros compañeros de clase.

The teacher always instructed us to treat our classmates with cordiality.

This example emphasizes the teacher's advice to maintain cordial relationships with classmates.

No importa con quien hables, siempre tienes que tratar con cordialidad a las personas.

English translation of No importa con quien hables, siempre tienes que tratar con cordialidad a las personas.

No matter who you talk to, you always have to treat people with cordiality.

This statement generalizes the principle of showing cordiality towards everyone one communicates with, regardless of who they are.

Es necesario tratar con cordialidad a nuestros vecinos para mantener un buen ambiente en la comunidad.

English translation of Es necesario tratar con cordialidad a nuestros vecinos para mantener un buen ambiente en la comunidad.

It is necessary to treat our neighbors with cordiality to maintain a good atmosphere in the community.

This phrase highlights the importance of being cordial in interactions with neighbors for the overall wellbeing of the community.

Para tener una buena relación en la familia, se tiene que tratar con cordialidad a todos sus miembros.

English translation of Para tener una buena relación en la familia, se tiene que tratar con cordialidad a todos sus miembros.

To have a good relationship in the family, you have to treat all its members with cordiality.

This phrase emphasizes the role of cordial manners in maintaining harmonious family relationships.

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