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tratar con afecto

English translation of tratar con afecto

to treat with affection

The Spanish phrase 'tratar con afecto' translates to 'treat with affection' in English. This phrase is often used to describe the act of taking care of or showing kindness and love towards someone. In context, it might be used when discussing relationships or interactions within families, friendships, or romantic partnerships. Equally, it can be used in wider social or professional contexts to describe kindness and respect. It highlights the importance of not only caring for others but showing that care through actions.

Example sentences using: tratar con afecto

Siempre trato con afecto a mi mascota

English translation of Siempre trato con afecto a mi mascota

I always treat my pet affectionately

In this sentence, the speaker is expressing their constant affectionate treatment towards their own pet.

Mi madre siempre me trataba con afecto

English translation of Mi madre siempre me trataba con afecto

My mother always treated me affectionately

Here, the speaker recalls the affectionate treatment they received from their mother.

Si tratas a los niños con afecto, se sentirán más seguros

English translation of Si tratas a los niños con afecto, se sentirán más seguros

If you treat the children with affection, they will feel more secure

This sentence gives advice about how treatment with affection can boost children's sense of security.

Los mejores profesores son aquellos que tratan a sus estudiantes con afecto

English translation of Los mejores profesores son aquellos que tratan a sus estudiantes con afecto

The best teachers are those who treat their students affectionately

This example holds that the key quality of good teachers is the affectionate treatment they confer on their students.

Tratar con afecto a los demás puede cambiar su día

English translation of Tratar con afecto a los demás puede cambiar su día

Treating others affectionately can change their day

This sentence emphasizes the potential impact of treating others with affection, implying that it can improve someone else's day.

Los animales deben ser tratados con afecto

English translation of Los animales deben ser tratados con afecto

Animals should be treated with affection

The sentence advocates for good treatment of animals by expressing that they should be treated affectionately.

Tratar con afecto a las personas mayores es signo de respeto

English translation of Tratar con afecto a las personas mayores es signo de respeto

Treating the elderly affectionately is a sign of respect

This sentence indicates that treating older people with affection can be interpreted as an expression of respect.

La vida es más fácil cuando tratas a los demás con afecto

English translation of La vida es más fácil cuando tratas a los demás con afecto

Life is easier when you treat others affectionately

This statement suggests that treating others with affection can simplify life, implying that this action promotes positive connections with others which in turn eases one's daily interactions.

El debe aprender a tratar a su hermano con afecto

English translation of El debe aprender a tratar a su hermano con afecto

He needs to learn to treat his brother affectionately

This sentence expresses that the person referenced (he) should learn how to treat his brother with affection, implying a need for relationships characterized by goodwill and fondness among siblings.

Tratar con afecto a tus empleados mejora la productividad

English translation of Tratar con afecto a tus empleados mejora la productividad

Treating your employees affectionately improves productivity

This sentence suggests that treating employees with affection can boost their productivity, implying that affectionate treatment promotes a positive work environment which, in turn enhances work output.

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