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tratar bien a alguien

English translation of tratar bien a alguien

treating someone well

The Spanish phrase 'tratar bien a alguien' translates to 'treating someone well' in English. This could involve behaving politely, kindly and respectfully towards someone, making them feel valued and appreciated. It is often used in the context of personal relationships, professional settings or everyday interactions.

Example sentences using: tratar bien a alguien

Para tratar bien a alguien, debes ser respetuoso.

English translation of Para tratar bien a alguien, debes ser respetuoso.

To treat someone well, you must be respectful.

This statement is implying that respect is a key factor in how to treat someone well.

Es importante tratar bien a alguien si quieres ganarte su confianza.

English translation of Es importante tratar bien a alguien si quieres ganarte su confianza.

It's important to treat someone well if you want to earn their trust.

In this sentence, the speaker is advising that good treatment is a fundamental way to earn someone's trust.

Tratar bien a alguien puede mejorar tu relación con esa persona.

English translation of Tratar bien a alguien puede mejorar tu relación con esa persona.

Treating someone well can improve your relationship with that person.

This statement suggests that a positive treatment towards someone can enhance the current relationship with that person.

En ocasiones olvidamos lo esencial que es tratar bien a alguien.

English translation of En ocasiones olvidamos lo esencial que es tratar bien a alguien.

Sometimes we forget how essential it is to treat someone well.

Here, the speaker is expressing the common oversight of forgetting the importance of treating others well.

Si no puedes tratar bien a alguien, es mejor alejarte.

English translation of Si no puedes tratar bien a alguien, es mejor alejarte.

If you can't treat someone well, it's better to walk away.

This sentence advises that if one is unable to maintain a positive way of treating others, it's best for that individual to keep distance.

Tratar bien a alguien no significa que siempre tengas que estar de acuerdo con ellos.

English translation of Tratar bien a alguien no significa que siempre tengas que estar de acuerdo con ellos.

Treating someone well doesn't mean you always have to agree with them.

This statement indicates that disagreement is not necessarily a sign of disrespect or bad treatment.

Tratar bien a alguien es una cuestión de respeto, no de simpatía.

English translation of Tratar bien a alguien es una cuestión de respeto, no de simpatía.

Treating someone well is a matter of respect, not sympathy.

This phrase implies that treating someone well is about showing respect, irrespective of personal feelings or sympathy.

No esperes a perder a alguien para aprender a tratar bien a las personas.

English translation of No esperes a perder a alguien para aprender a tratar bien a las personas.

Don't wait to lose someone to learn to treat people well.

The speaker is advising not to wait until a loss to learn the value of treating individuals well.

La humildad es tratar bien a alguien sin esperar nada a cambio.

English translation of La humildad es tratar bien a alguien sin esperar nada a cambio.

Humility is treating someone well without expecting anything in return.

This statement defines humility as the act of treating others well without expecting anything in return.

Los padres deberían enseñar a sus hijos a tratar bien a alguien desde temprana edad.

English translation of Los padres deberían enseñar a sus hijos a tratar bien a alguien desde temprana edad.

Parents should teach their children to treat someone well from an early age.

This sentence emphasizes the role parents have in teaching their children about respect and good treatment towards others.

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