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trastorno respiratorio

English translation of trastorno respiratorio

Respiratory disorder

The Spanish term 'trastorno respiratorio' gets translated into English as 'respiratory disorder'. This refers to any of a number of diseases that can affect the structures and organs that allow us to breathe. These diseases can affect the nasal passages, the bronchi (tubes that carry air into the lungs), or even the small air sacs in the lungs themselves. They include conditions like asthma, pulmonary fibrosis, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Example sentences using: trastorno respiratorio

Mi madre tiene un trastorno respiratorio grave.

English translation of Mi madre tiene un trastorno respiratorio grave.

My mother has a severe respiratory disorder.

This sentence is stating that the speaker's mother suffers from a serious condition that affects her ability to breathe.

El trastorno respiratorio puede ser causado por el tabaquismo.

English translation of El trastorno respiratorio puede ser causado por el tabaquismo.

Respiratory disorder can be caused by smoking.

This sentence is explaining that smoking can lead to breathing problems, known as respiratory disorders.

Debido al trastorno respiratorio, es difícil para él hacer ejercicio.

English translation of Debido al trastorno respiratorio, es difícil para él hacer ejercicio.

Due to the respiratory disorder, it is difficult for him to exercise.

The phrase talks about someone who finds it hard to engage in physical activities because of a respiratory condition that affects their breathing.

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