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trastorno digestivo

English translation of trastorno digestivo

digestive disorder

The Spanish term 'trastorno digestivo' translates to 'digestive disorder' in English. This term refers to a medical condition that disrupts the functioning of the digestive system. This can include a wide array of conditions like gastritis, acid reflux, stomach ulcers, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and other related conditions.

Example sentences using: trastorno digestivo

El trastorno digestivo afecta mi vida diaria.

English translation of El trastorno digestivo afecta mi vida diaria.

The digestive disorder affects my daily life.

The example uses the term trastorno digestivo in the context of talking about how it affects the speaker's everyday life. This could imply that the disorder is chronic or severe, impacting daily tasks and events.

Los médicos piensan que podría tener un trastorno digestivo.

English translation of Los médicos piensan que podría tener un trastorno digestivo.

Doctors think that I might have a digestive disorder.

This example shows a hypothetical situation where doctors believe the person might have a digestive disorder. It is used to express doubt or uncertainty. The phrase could be used if the medical diagnoses are not yet conclusive.

El trastorno digestivo es causado por una dieta inadecuada.

English translation of El trastorno digestivo es causado por una dieta inadecuada.

The digestive disorder is caused by an inadequate diet.

This example sentence connects an improper diet to the occurrence of a digestive disorder. It informs about one of the possible reasons or causes of the digestive disorder. It's a straightforward statement of fact or a conclusion based on observed data.

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