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English translation of trastorno


The Spanish word 'trastorno' translates to 'disorder' in English. It's a noun that can be applicable in various contexts such as psychological, mental, or physical health to refer to an irregularity, disturbance or malfunction. For instance, in medical English, 'trastorno' could be utilized to indicate a disorder such as 'trastorno bipolar', which means 'bipolar disorder'. It can also be used in everyday circumstances to denote disruption or chaos.

Example sentences using: trastorno

El trastorno del sueño afecta a muchas personas.

English translation of El trastorno del sueño afecta a muchas personas.

The sleep disorder affects many people.

This sentence is used to explain the prevalence of sleep disorders using the Spanish word for disorder, 'trastorno'.

Ella está lidiando con un trastorno de ansiedad.

English translation of Ella está lidiando con un trastorno de ansiedad.

She is dealing with an anxiety disorder.

This sentence uses 'trastorno' to describe a type of mental health issue, specifically an anxiety disorder. In this context, 'lidiando' means 'dealing with'.

El trastorno alimenticio puede ser muy peligroso.

English translation of El trastorno alimenticio puede ser muy peligroso.

The eating disorder can be very dangerous.

This sentence uses 'trastorno' to discuss an eating disorder, emphasizing the potential for danger in these conditions using the word 'peligroso'.

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