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English translation of transportes


The Spanish word 'transportes' translates to 'transport' in English. It is a commonly used word in a variety of contexts. For instance, it can refer to the movement of people, goods, or animals from one location to another. This term could apply to different modes of transport, including cars, buses, trains, airplanes, ships, bicycles, etc. In essence, 'transportes' encompasses all mechanisms that facilitate mobility or transfer.

Example sentences using: transportes

Los transportes en la ciudad son muy eficientes.

English translation of Los transportes en la ciudad son muy eficientes.

The transports in the city are very efficient.

This sentence implies that all forms of transportation within the city, such as buses, trains, and taxis, operate effectively and contribute to a smooth flow of traffic.

El gobierno invertirá más en transportes públicos.

English translation of El gobierno invertirá más en transportes públicos.

The government will invest more in public transportation.

In this context, 'transportes públicos' means the whole range of services provided by the government or other entities for the public to move around, like buses, trams, subway systems etc. The sentence says the government is planning to increase funding or financial support for these services.

Los transportes marítimos son vitales para la economía del país.

English translation of Los transportes marítimos son vitales para la economía del país.

Maritime transports are vital for the country's economy.

'Transportes marítimos' refers to the shipping industry, a crucial part of international trade. Ships transport goods in large quantities over long distances, which is essential for the economy of any country.

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