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English translation of transmitir


The Spanish word 'transmitir' translates to 'transmit' in English. It is mainly used to refer to the action of conveying or passing on a thing, idea, condition, or information from one place, person, or thing to another. It can be used in different contexts such as broadcasting a message or a program on radio or television, sending out signals using a radio or radar station, causing a disease or an emotion to be passed on to another, and so on.

Example sentences using: transmitir

Voy a transmitir un mensaje.

English translation of Voy a transmitir un mensaje.

I am going to transmit a message.

This sentence is an example of using 'transmitir' in the future tense to indicate a future action, in this case, the action of transmitting a message.

El profesor siempre logra transmitir conocimiento a sus alumnos.

English translation of El profesor siempre logra transmitir conocimiento a sus alumnos.

The teacher always manages to transmit knowledge to his students.

This sentence uses 'transmitir' to indicate the passage or transfer of something abstract - in this case, knowledge - from one person to another.

Es importante transmitir con precisión lo que queremos decir.

English translation of Es importante transmitir con precisión lo que queremos decir.

It is important to accurately convey what we want to say.

In this sentence, 'transmitir' is used to highlight the importance of clear communication or the accurate transfer of our messages or intentions.

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