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transfusión de sangre

English translation of transfusión de sangre

blood transfusion

The Spanish term 'transfusión de sangre' translates directly into English as 'blood transfusion'. This is a medical treatment where blood is moved from one body into another. It may be used in a variety of situations, such as when an individual has lost a lot of blood due to an accident or surgery, if their body isn't producing enough blood, or if they have a disease that affects their blood's ability to function properly.

Example sentences using: transfusión de sangre

El médico ordenó una transfusión de sangre para el paciente.

English translation of El médico ordenó una transfusión de sangre para el paciente.

The doctor ordered a blood transfusion for the patient.

This sentence is used in a medical context where a doctor orders a blood transfusion for a patient because of a condition that requires it.

La transfusión de sangre salvó su vida después del accidente.

English translation of La transfusión de sangre salvó su vida después del accidente.

The blood transfusion saved his life after the accident.

This sentence is used when someone`s life is saved by a blood transfusion procedure after a life-threatening event like an accident.

Es posible que necesites una transfusión de sangre después de la cirugía.

English translation of Es posible que necesites una transfusión de sangre después de la cirugía.

You might need a blood transfusion after the surgery.

This sentence can be used by medical professionals to explain to patients that they may require a blood transfusion after undergoing surgery.

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