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English translation of transferencia


The Spanish word 'transferencia' translates to 'transfer' in English. It is often used in contexts of transferring information, funds or data from one place, system or person to another. In English, 'transfer' carries the same meaning and can be used in the same variety of contexts.

Similar words:

Example sentences using: transferencia

Realicé una transferencia bancaria para pagar la factura.

English translation of Realicé una transferencia bancaria para pagar la factura.

I made a bank transfer to pay the bill.

This sentence is describing an action carried out by the speaker - specifically, transferring money from their bank account to another in order to pay a bill.

La transferencia de datos fue exitosa.

English translation of La transferencia de datos fue exitosa.

The data transfer was successful.

This translates directly from Spanish to English. It is a simple, declarative sentence stating that the process of transferring data from one place to another has been successful.

Los estudiantes necesitarán un día completo para la transferencia de la universidad.

English translation of Los estudiantes necesitarán un día completo para la transferencia de la universidad.

The students will need a full day for the university transfer.

This sentence is describing the timing necessary for a university transfer, indicating that it will take the students a full day to complete the transfer process. 'Transfer' here refers to changing from one university to another.

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