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tramitar un parte

English translation of tramitar un parte

processing a report

The Spanish phrase 'tramitar un parte' translates to 'process a report' in English. This phrase is often used in an administrative context where individuals are required to formally submit or process official reports or documents. Its usage can span different scenarios but essentially it indicates the action of carrying out the necessary steps to process a particular report or notification.

Example sentences using: tramitar un parte

Necesito tramitar un parte por el accidente que tuve.

English translation of Necesito tramitar un parte por el accidente que tuve.

I need to file a report for the accident I had.

In this example, the speaker had an accident and needs to file a report (in Spanish: tramitar un parte) about it. This might be to the police, to an insurance company, or to any other authority concerned with the accident.

¿Puede ayudarme a tramitar un parte de este daño?

English translation of ¿Puede ayudarme a tramitar un parte de este daño?

Can you help me file a report for this damage?

Here, the speaker is asking for help to file a report (tramitar un parte) for some damage. The report may be for insurance purposes or to notify an authority or institution about the situation.

Después de la inundación, tuvimos que tramitar un parte.

English translation of Después de la inundación, tuvimos que tramitar un parte.

After the flood, we had to file a report.

In this instance, the example implies that a report (un parte) had to be filed after a flood: perhaps to an insurance company, a landlord, or a government agency. The action of filing the report is described by the verb 'tramitar'.

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