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English translation of traición


The Spanish word 'traición' translates to 'betrayal' in English. This noun can be used in many different contexts, generally referring to unfaithfulness or disloyalty. It can also imply a breaking of trust in a relationship whether personal, business, or political. This could include traitorous acts that seriously harm or even destroy the relationship in question.

Example sentences using: traición

El olor a traición estaba en el aire.

English translation of El olor a traición estaba en el aire.

The smell of betrayal was in the air.

In this sentence, betrayal is compared to a scent, indicating that its presence is easily detected. It is a metaphorical use showcasing signs of disloyalty.

La traición de mi mejor amigo me dejó en shock.

English translation of La traición de mi mejor amigo me dejó en shock.

The betrayal of my best friend left me in shock.

Here, betrayal refers to an act of disloyalty by someone close, a best friend, causing emotional distress. The noun 'shock' indicates profound surprise or sudden distress.

Nunca habría esperado tal traición de tu parte.

English translation of Nunca habría esperado tal traición de tu parte.

I never would have expected such betrayal from you.

This sentence expresses acute disappointment upon discovering a loved one's betrayal. It combines surprise (never would have expected) with personal impact (from you).

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