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English translation of tradiciones


The Spanish word 'tradiciones' is used similarly to its English equivalent 'traditions'. It refers to customs or beliefs passed down from generation to generation within cultures or societies. The difference in usage is largely dependent on context, as Spanish-speaking cultures may have unique traditions that do not directly translate to English.

Example sentences using: tradiciones

Las tradiciones son muy importantes en nuestra cultura.

English translation of Las tradiciones son muy importantes en nuestra cultura.

Traditions are very important in our culture.

This sentence explains the importance of traditions in any culture. It states that they hold a significant place, possibly shaping the culture itself.

Las tradiciones navideñas varían en cada país.

English translation of Las tradiciones navideñas varían en cada país.

Christmas traditions vary in each country.

This phrase emphasizes the diversity in how different countries celebrate Christmas, indicating varying traditions associated with the holiday.

Estamos tratando de mantener nuestras tradiciones vivas.

English translation of Estamos tratando de mantener nuestras tradiciones vivas.

We are trying to keep our traditions alive.

This statement reflects an effort to preserve cultural traditions, potentially against the threat of being forgotten or replaced.

Incluso en la modernización, no podemos olvidar nuestras tradiciones.

English translation of Incluso en la modernización, no podemos olvidar nuestras tradiciones.

Even in modernization, we cannot forget our traditions.

This phrase argues that despite the advances of modernity, it is important to remember one's traditional roots.

Las tradiciones familiares son las que más valoro.

English translation of Las tradiciones familiares son las que más valoro.

Family traditions are the ones I value the most.

This sentence emphasizes the personal value and importance of family traditions to the speaker.

Estamos estableciendo nuevas tradiciones en nuestra familia.

English translation of Estamos estableciendo nuevas tradiciones en nuestra familia.

We are establishing new traditions in our family.

This statement highlights the creation of new traditions within a family, suggesting change or evolution within the familial culture.

Las tradiciones de mi pueblo son únicas y hermosas.

English translation of Las tradiciones de mi pueblo son únicas y hermosas.

The traditions of my town are unique and beautiful.

This phrase expresses pride and admiration for the traditions specific to the speaker's hometown.

Algunas tradiciones pueden parecer extrañas para los forasteros.

English translation of Algunas tradiciones pueden parecer extrañas para los forasteros.

Some traditions may seem strange to outsiders.

This statement recognizes that traditions can seem unusual or unfamiliar to those who do not share the same cultural background.

Respeto las tradiciones de todas las culturas.

English translation of Respeto las tradiciones de todas las culturas.

I respect the traditions of all cultures.

This phrase expresses an open-minded and respectful attitude towards the traditions of all different cultures.

Las tradiciones se transmiten de generación en generación.

English translation of Las tradiciones se transmiten de generación en generación.

Traditions are passed down from generation to generation.

This statement emphasises the long-term perpetuation of traditions, indicating how they can provide a link between generations.

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