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tracción trasera

English translation of tracción trasera

rear-wheel drive

The Spanish term 'tracción trasera' refers to 'rear-wheel drive' in English. In the context of vehicles, this means that the vehicle's engine powers its rear wheels. This term is commonly used in the automotive industry and in discussions about car mechanics or performance. Many sports cars and traditional luxury cars have rear-wheel drive for enhanced balance and handling.

Example sentences using: tracción trasera

El coche tiene tracción trasera, lo que proporciona una mejor maniobrabilidad.

English translation of El coche tiene tracción trasera, lo que proporciona una mejor maniobrabilidad.

The car has rear-wheel drive, which provides better maneuverability.

This sentence explains that the car in question has a rear-wheel drive system, a feature that allows it to handle or steer better.

La tracción trasera en este camión ayuda a distribuir la carga de manera más eficiente.

English translation of La tracción trasera en este camión ayuda a distribuir la carga de manera más eficiente.

The rear-wheel drive in this truck helps distribute the load more efficiently.

In this example, the phrase talks about the advantage of a rear-wheel drive in a truck, stating that it can distribute weight or load more efficiently, which can be crucial in hauling or cargo vehicles.

La incorporación de tracción trasera mejora la estabilidad del vehículo en la carretera.

English translation of La incorporación de tracción trasera mejora la estabilidad del vehículo en la carretera.

The incorporation of rear-wheel drive improves the vehicle's stability on the road.

The phrase signifies that the addition or integration of a rear-wheel drive system enhances a vehicle's stability on the road, making it safer and easier to handle.

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