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tomar una foto

English translation of tomar una foto

take a picture

The Spanish phrase 'tomar una foto' translates to 'take a picture' in English. It is often used in contexts where you want to capture a moment in a photograph. In Spain and many Latin American countries, it's a common phrase used in daily conversation. As in English, it can be used both literally (to take a physical picture with a camera) and figuratively (to capture a mental or emotional 'snapshot').

Example sentences using: tomar una foto

Necesito tomar una foto de este libro para mi tarea

English translation of Necesito tomar una foto de este libro para mi tarea

I need to take a picture of this book for my homework

This phrase can be used when someone needs to keep a record or evidence of something such as a document, a quote in a book, or artwork and they need to capture it in a photo for later use.

Vamos a tomar una foto antes de que todos se vayan

English translation of Vamos a tomar una foto antes de que todos se vayan

Let's take a photo before everyone leaves

This phrase can be used in social gatherings where a person wants to capture a moment with all the people present before they start leaving the event.

Después de la cena, mi familia y yo siempre tomamos una foto

English translation of Después de la cena, mi familia y yo siempre tomamos una foto

After dinner, my family and I always take a photo

Used when describing a regular or traditional routine or habit that takes place in a familial setting. In this case, it refers to a family custom of taking a photo after dinner.

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