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tomar una curva

English translation of tomar una curva

take a turn

The Spanish phrase 'tomar una curva' is directly translated into English as 'take a curve'. However, it is more commonly understood as 'taking a turn', especially in the context of driving or moving along a path. It can also be used metaphorically to denote a change in situation or circumstances. For instance, 'su vida tomó una curva inesperada' would translate to 'his/her life took an unexpected turn'.

Example sentences using: tomar una curva

Debes reducir la velocidad antes de tomar una curva.

English translation of Debes reducir la velocidad antes de tomar una curva.

You should slow down before taking a curve.

This sentence highlights the importance of safety measures while driving. It implies to slow down the vehicle before approaching a curve to prevent accidents.

Durante la carrera, vi a un competidor tomar una curva a gran velocidad.

English translation of Durante la carrera, vi a un competidor tomar una curva a gran velocidad.

During the race, I saw a competitor take a curve at high speed.

This sentence illustrates a scene at a racing event. The competitor is said to take a curve at a high speed, which requires a great deal of skill and precision, especially in a competitive setting.

El camión no pudo tomar una curva cerrada y chocó contra la valla.

English translation of El camión no pudo tomar una curva cerrada y chocó contra la valla.

The truck could not take a sharp turn and hit the fence.

This sentence provides an example of a road accident. The truck driver attempted to navigate a sharp turn, but due to the size and velocity of the vehicle, was unable to keep control and collided with a fence.

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