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tomar(se) la tensión

English translation of tomar(se) la tensión

take the blood pressure

The phrase 'tomar(se) la tensión' in Spanish translates to 'take the blood pressure' in English. It is typically used in medical or health-related contexts for indicating the action of measuring the blood pressure. The phrase may be used by healthcare professionals or individuals keeping track of their own health status. For instance, if someone is going to perform this action, they may say: 'Voy a tomarme la tensión' which means 'I am going to take my blood pressure' in English.

Example sentences using: tomar(se) la tensión

El médico le recomendó tomar la tensión regularmente.

English translation of El médico le recomendó tomar la tensión regularmente.

The doctor advised him to take his blood pressure regularly.

This sentence refers to a situation where a medical professional suggests a person should regularly measure their blood pressure, for health reasons.

Cuándo te tomas la tensión, debes estar relajado.

English translation of Cuándo te tomas la tensión, debes estar relajado.

When you take your blood pressure, you should be relaxed.

This sentence provides advice about the state one should be in when measuring their blood pressure. Being relaxed helps to get a more accurate reading of the blood pressure.

Después de tomar café, no debo tomar mi tensión.

English translation of Después de tomar café, no debo tomar mi tensión.

After drinking coffee, I should not take my blood pressure.

This sentence highlights that certain habits like drinking coffee can affect blood pressure reading. Therefore, it's best to avoid such habits prior to measuring blood pressure.

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