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English translation of tolerancia


The Spanish word 'tolerancia' translates to 'tolerance' in English. It is a noun and it is used in contexts where acceptance, patience or endurance is implied. It can refer to the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. It can also refer to the capacity to endure continued subjection to something such as a drug, pain, or environmental conditions without adverse reaction.

Example sentences using: tolerancia

La tolerancia es fundamental para una convivencia pacífica

English translation of La tolerancia es fundamental para una convivencia pacífica

Tolerance is fundamental for peaceful coexistence

This phrase highlights the importance of tolerance in living peacefully with others. It implies that respecting and accepting the differences in people's views, beliefs, and practices is crucial for peaceful interactions and relationships.

Debemos aprender a tener tolerancia hacia las opiniones diferentes

English translation of Debemos aprender a tener tolerancia hacia las opiniones diferentes

We must learn to have tolerance towards different opinions

This sentence emphasizes the necessity of learning to accept other people’s differing viewpoints. It indicates that individuals having diverse opinions is natural and a part of human interaction, and we should show tolerance towards these variations, rather than expecting everyone to agree with us.

Sin tolerancia, no hay respeto

English translation of Sin tolerancia, no hay respeto

Without tolerance, there is no respect

This statement infers that respect and tolerance go hand in hand. Lack of tolerance often results in disrespect, as not tolerating someone’s differences may lead to belittling or devaluing them. Hence, showing tolerance is an essential part of respecting others.

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